
Monday, 19 October 2015

Recall in Memory

My glitch image is created from a photo that I took while I was playing with my daughter. The purpose of taking the photo is the recall of  moments that we spend together. The close up of her doll and the fuzzy texture around it make the photo more memorable. The idea of glitching a photograph is inspired by Sabato Visconti.  For this project my concern is to connect my created glitch image with the ability of  memory to encode, store, and recall information. The image is distorted by Hex Editor and WordPad programs.The horizontal lines ,which are created by random and intentional changes in the source code of the photo, give a sense of dynamic movement  and give the sense that the details of picture is slowly appearing overtime to be replaced by self-generated memories.  Through this dynamic movement  the glitch image  comments on the passing of time and attempts to visualize the memory process for retrieval the moment of taking photo.  As Menkman declares the definitions for noise in glitch is social matter and complex for meaning and translation Hence, the concept of the impermanence of memory may derived by an audience when he/she connects the memory with the glitch image.      
To print my glitch I choose watercolor paper to emphasize the texture. Through this emphasize I  associate the glitch image with its original source because texture is one of the element that make the original photo memorable. The surface quality of print will let the audience to interpret  the glitch image not only by vision sense but also by tactition sense.     

citation for resources that help me for this project:

Menkman Rosa, The Glitch Moment(um).p.29-35

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