In philosophy Alterity means "otherness" and it is the ability to distinguished between self and not-self. It is the quality or state of being alien to self or a specific cultural orientation. Alterity means a relation of being different in an unfamiliar or unfavorable way,from something , someone , oneself, one's ethnic group, one's culture, etc (1).Francesco Paolo Catalango works that are titled as "Women become Men"
Indexical in relation to the digital photograph:
An indexical is a linguistic expression whose reference can
shift from context to context.
Indexicality is the physical relationship between the
object photographed and the resulting image (4). Digital photography provides new
medium for the message and translates digital images into code which is not
physical. Digital photography challenges the belief that photography is
representative of reality. Digital images function as pure iconicity due to the
lack of the physical connection between the subject of photography and its
image. Photographic artists use the tradition of photography's indexical function to represent reality to viewers in their digital images (3).Kerry Skarbakka represents his body in a frozen moment of action by using digital photography.
It is the combination of visual and theatrical which consists of costume figures arranged in static poses to create the effect of picture (6). The tableau has its root in pictorial photography and could be considered as an attempts by photographers to unsuccessfully imitate paintings (7). Philip- Lorca Dicorcia is a contemporary photographer who uses his family and friend within fictional interior tableau to make a viewer think the photo is a shot of someone's every day life (8).
The definition of artifice is a skill or craft that is clever but often manipulated (10).Craft with deliberate artistic intention to produce an emotional, moral, and aesthetic response in the reader. Artifice in the work of art is to make excess and lack of naturalness (11). Jo Whaley is an artist that his approach to the photography is to take object from nature or culture and re-contextual them with the stage of still life (12).
The term is used to explain the activity to recreate aspect of historical event or period. In contrast, the artistic re-enactments are differ from pure mimicry of the history and they are performative events to question the present by taking resources to historical events that have left their traces in memory (14). Re-enactment allow us to access history through immersion, personification, and empathy. The artist asks what the images we see might mean to us, whether we were to experience the situation personally. Hence, artistic re- enactment uses paradoxical approach by erasing distance to images and distancing itself from images to confront general feeling about insecurity about the definition of the image (15).
Collier Schorr photographed a youth in SS uniform to create a highly agonizing simultaneity of history and the present.
Zbigniew Libera used famous Vietnam War photo that is taken by Nick Ut for his re-enactment. The initial recognition from Libera's work becomes irritating because all the elements are positive in the photo.
Zbigniew Libera (17)
Nick Ut (18)
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