
Monday, 26 October 2015

Ideas and researches for a identifying identity

  Examples of the identity in creating conceptual and harmonies dialogue between past and present:

Hendrik Herstens addresses issues of seriality, time,and identity in her photographs. The artist links the traditional of his Dutch culture with the present.


Shadi Ghadirian's  work is  linked to her identity as an Iranian and  a Muslim woman. Her photos are based on a style of photograph during   Qajar's dynasty  period (1794- 1925).


Examples for the cultural identities:
Shirin Neshat works address Iranian national identity in the 21 century and explores gender issue in the Islamic  world. 


Claude Cahun works are political, personal, and often undermined traditional concepts of  gender roles.
Women's clothing in Safavid Persia:

The picture shows women custom in 1600s during Safavid dynasty. Safavid dynasty established Shia's Islam as the official religion of their empire (6).   Shia's Islam has been the official religion and part of goverment of  Iran since Safavid empire (7).

Creating space and time in photo:

Teresa Hubbard and Alexander Bricheler make a composition between two frames that creates a  
reference to a sequential past, present, or future.

Portrait lighting pattern:

Looping lighting is commonly set up and is ideal for average oval- shape faces.

Profile lighting is used when the subject`s head turn 90 degrees from the camera lens.


Camera angle for flattering portrait :

for portraying of one or two people having the camera at eye level or slightly higher creates flattering photo. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

class exercise ( mask tool)

Exercise 3-a


In philosophy Alterity means "otherness" and it is the ability to distinguished between self and not-self. It is the quality or state of being alien to self or a  specific cultural orientation. Alterity means a relation of being different  in an unfamiliar or unfavorable way,from something , someone , oneself, one's ethnic group, one's culture, etc (1).Francesco Paolo Catalango works that are titled as   "Women become Men"


Indexical in relation to the digital photograph:

An indexical is a linguistic expression whose reference can shift from context to context. 
Indexicality is the physical relationship between the object photographed and the resulting image (4). Digital photography provides new medium for the message and translates digital images into code which is not physical. Digital photography challenges the belief that photography is representative of reality. Digital images function as pure iconicity due to the lack of the physical connection between the subject of photography and its image. Photographic artists use the tradition of photography's indexical function to represent reality to viewers in their digital images (3).Kerry Skarbakka represents his body in a frozen moment of action by using digital photography.


It is the combination of visual and theatrical which consists of costume figures arranged in static poses to create the effect of picture (6). The tableau has its root in pictorial photography and could be considered as an attempts by photographers to unsuccessfully imitate paintings (7). Philip- Lorca Dicorcia is a contemporary photographer who uses his family and friend within fictional interior tableau to make a viewer think the photo is a shot of someone's every day life (8).

(6) Encyclopedia of Nineteenth - Century Photography. page 1373-1374


The definition of artifice is a skill or craft that is clever but often manipulated (10).Craft with deliberate artistic intention to produce an emotional, moral, and aesthetic response in the reader.  Artifice in the work of art is to make excess and lack of naturalness (11). Jo Whaley is an artist that his approach to the photography is to take object from nature or culture and re-contextual them with the stage of still life (12).


The term is used to explain the activity to recreate aspect of historical event or period. In contrast, the artistic re-enactments are differ from pure mimicry of the history and they are  performative  events to question the present by taking resources to historical events that have left their traces in memory (14). Re-enactment allow us to access history through immersion, personification, and empathy. The artist asks what the images we see might mean to us, whether we were to experience the situation personally. Hence, artistic re- enactment uses paradoxical approach by erasing distance to images and distancing itself from images to confront general feeling about insecurity about the definition of the image (15).
Collier Schorr photographed a youth in SS uniform to create a highly agonizing simultaneity of history and the present.
Zbigniew Libera used  famous Vietnam War photo that is taken by Nick Ut for his re-enactment. The initial recognition from Libera's work becomes irritating because all the elements are positive in the photo.

 Zbigniew Libera (17)

Nick Ut (18)


Monday, 19 October 2015

Recall in Memory

My glitch image is created from a photo that I took while I was playing with my daughter. The purpose of taking the photo is the recall of  moments that we spend together. The close up of her doll and the fuzzy texture around it make the photo more memorable. The idea of glitching a photograph is inspired by Sabato Visconti.  For this project my concern is to connect my created glitch image with the ability of  memory to encode, store, and recall information. The image is distorted by Hex Editor and WordPad programs.The horizontal lines ,which are created by random and intentional changes in the source code of the photo, give a sense of dynamic movement  and give the sense that the details of picture is slowly appearing overtime to be replaced by self-generated memories.  Through this dynamic movement  the glitch image  comments on the passing of time and attempts to visualize the memory process for retrieval the moment of taking photo.  As Menkman declares the definitions for noise in glitch is social matter and complex for meaning and translation Hence, the concept of the impermanence of memory may derived by an audience when he/she connects the memory with the glitch image.      
To print my glitch I choose watercolor paper to emphasize the texture. Through this emphasize I  associate the glitch image with its original source because texture is one of the element that make the original photo memorable. The surface quality of print will let the audience to interpret  the glitch image not only by vision sense but also by tactition sense.     

citation for resources that help me for this project:

Menkman Rosa, The Glitch Moment(um).p.29-35

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Glitch Ideas and their experiment

My first idea is creating glith with digital photo. I took photos from my daily subject.


photos are taken by myself ,while I was playing with my daughter. I use Text edit to make this glitch.

Second idea inspired by Sara Cwynar's Glitch art. I used a print image. I scanned  some images from book.

Image is scanned from "Oriental Rugs of the Hajji Babas". The first Glitch is made in Word Pad. The second one is made in Text Edit.

Image is scanned from "Oriental Rugs of the Hajji Babas". The Glitch is made in Text Edit.


 The photo is taken by myself from a rug in my house for more experiment. The Glitch is made in Hex Editor.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Glitch experiment



These gliches are made by Paint and WordPad in Windows. The photos are taken by my freind Sajad Khani.

For this glitch (3) I used a photo from Windows 7 and applied changes through Hex Editor.

Penguins photo from pictures in Windows 7

 The photo s turned to black & white. The changes are applied via deleting codes in Hex Editor.


The changes are applied via deleting codes in Hex Editor.


The changes are applied via typing alphabet and numbers codes in Hex Editor.

The changes are applied via copy and paste different part of codes in random places in Hex Editor.


The combination of above changes through Hex Editor.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Glitch ideas and research

multiple personalities:
Glitched collage:

Exercise 2


It  is created by putting two or three images together. the images should be from similar shot but take from different locations.The shots are taken from right and left locations. Wigglegram is an animated gif that change the perspective and tricks the brain into interpreting something as 3D. It  also gives the jarring and shocking sensation to eyes when eyes focus on them . Wigglegrams cause eyes have small rapid horizontal or vertical movement.


it is an animated gif or video of photographs contains repeated small moving details. Cinemagraph gives the illusion of watching a video , also it helps to consider the photography as a trace of reality. The realism of a photograph is intensified via the combination of drastic movement, still, and repetition  through the photographic composition. The manipulation of the movement of the photos help the viewer to explore the narration of the event .Cinemagraph gives the ghostly image of real.

Stereoscopic photos:
Stereoscopic photos refer to the perception of depth from the same scene but from diifferent view.


Autostereogram or Magic Eye are repeating patterns designed to give the optical illusion of depth. Autostereogram refers to single image of stereograms.

The above image shows how eyes viewing an Autosterogram.



Is a flat two dimensional image viewed in Stereopsis fashion ,small distance between eye vision, to produce three-dimensional effect. Astereogram is a picture within a picture.The hidden image  inside each image is an object that can observe. The Image show three kind of stereogram  vision.

I create this image by a free software that I find it in this cite: 

Wiggle Stereoscope exercise: 

I took two photos by iPhone and made these Wiggle by Photoshop.