
Monday, 21 September 2015

Exercise Week 1

Contemporary Artists:
·  James Kerr (Scorpion Dagger): There are several interesting points in artist's GIFs. His works are made by collage from Renaissance paintings. He creates new meaning of the old scenes by mixing it with new culture and contemporary style of life. He mainly focuses on culture, technology and progress. It is also interesting that the artist’s work put commentary on critiques of both modernity and religion in a comedic way.

·  Greta Larkins: the artist uses two dimensional images of fashion and clothing and brings them to the comic life. As the fashion photos are unlimited and have wide range of styles, the artist innovation and creation is widespread.  Her work has subtle element of surrealism.

Comment on Tom Moody Animated GIF:

Tom Moody’s OptiDisc is created a hypotonic effect in its audience trough colors and movement, and the audiences are engaged with different motion when the loops of GIF are changed.  He also makes the audience to consider the impact of technology in art regard from the traditional mediums of creating art. The GIF is a tool to prompt the creating process for the artist’s expression on the screen. Moody’s looping animation has small frame and file size, hence it easily can be distributed socially. The GIF is easy to produce and does not require specific software to access to it.  However, such an easily animated image is controversial to consider as an art, it is an easy way to get out a message from its creator. The GIF is the artist response to poor photographed painting which is accessible via Internet.

Favorite GIF:
The GIF allows the spectator to become part of art work. The viewer can play with different colors. It is like splashing paint on canvas and creating your own piece.
       Manetas Miltonos. Super Art Modern Musee. 16 September, 2015.
Class Exercise:

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