Baking bread addresses the cultural issue of Iran
and reflects early method of baking bread. Two rural women are baking bread in
a traditional oven. The GIF created from a painting of
Fakhraddin Mokhberi and manipulate it with fire flame
footage. The painting reminds me my grandmother who baked bread for us when I
was a child. Hence, I decided to add fire flame to it and bring my memory near
to the life. The inspiration of the using painting comes from Scorpion
Dagger works. The gif is created by using mask tool, changing the opacity
and changing the blending mode for the layers.
Sorces :
Mokhberi, Fakhraddin. Life. 2009. Iran. Fakhraddin Mokhberi.Web. 29 Sep,2015.
"Fire 63 - 45s - 4k res - FREE STOCK FOOTAGE" Vimeo.Web. 29 Sep,2015.
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