Deep remixability has a connection with ``remix``as it is usually understood, but it has its own mechanism. Remixing originally had an accurate and narrow meaning to music. Gradually the term became more broad and today it refers to any reworking of any existing cultural works, visual projects, soft-wares,or literary texts. Software production environment lets designer to remix the content of different media, fundamental techniques, working method, and ways of representation and expression. Deep remixability can be found at work in all areas of culture in which software is used. For example, in the motion graphic`s area the large proportion of its projects derive their aesthetic effects from combining different techniques and media traditions- animation drawing, video , 3D graphics, etc
In the stage of hybridity and deep remixability the unique property and technique of different media become the elements of software and combine together in previously impossible ways. hence, we will no longer see any modification and media techniques in their original states as the range and application of these techniques are extended (1).
Variable form:
Many constant changes such as visual elements, transparency, texture of image are become as features of contemporary visual forms such as short films and animations. All possible forms such as visual, temporal, and spatial forms are allowed to represent as set of variable through digital computers(1).
Continuity turn:
Software tends to develop incrementally through addition and hybridization, and the software- base representation influences in the form of the modern language. Media software aims to show the world in a new way and such desire is institutionalized by changing all constants to variables. hence, everything are able to change constantly and represent through the metaphors to offer a distinct and original vision of the world. continuity term is used for the contemporary culture that is affected by continues change and transformation of visual or spatial forms(1).
Metamedium is considered computers as a mix of media ,which opposes to consider them as single medium.As Kay points that active metamedium is translated to a new power in human's ability to mix media in other to create new forms. Alan Kay says "The computer is a medium that can dynamically simulate the details of any other medium, including media that cannot exist physically. It is not a tool, although it can act like many tools. The computer is the first metamedium, and as such it has degrees of freedom for representation and expression never before encountered and as yet barely investigated. The protean nature of the computer is such that it can act like a machine or like a language to be shaped and exploited (2)."
Jeremy Blake's "Sodium Fox":
Fox Sodium is an abstract short film that is constructed through drawing, painting, photography,animation, and computer effects. Blake uses the strategy of creating visual narrative by continues transformation of image layers. The temporal rhythms and the combination of visual elements through media soft-wares exemplify numerous visual aesthetics.
Many constant changes such as visual elements, transparency, texture of image are become as features of contemporary visual forms such as short films and animations. All possible forms such as visual, temporal, and spatial forms are allowed to represent as set of variable through digital computers(1).
Continuity turn:
Software tends to develop incrementally through addition and hybridization, and the software- base representation influences in the form of the modern language. Media software aims to show the world in a new way and such desire is institutionalized by changing all constants to variables. hence, everything are able to change constantly and represent through the metaphors to offer a distinct and original vision of the world. continuity term is used for the contemporary culture that is affected by continues change and transformation of visual or spatial forms(1).
Metamedium is considered computers as a mix of media ,which opposes to consider them as single medium.As Kay points that active metamedium is translated to a new power in human's ability to mix media in other to create new forms. Alan Kay says "The computer is a medium that can dynamically simulate the details of any other medium, including media that cannot exist physically. It is not a tool, although it can act like many tools. The computer is the first metamedium, and as such it has degrees of freedom for representation and expression never before encountered and as yet barely investigated. The protean nature of the computer is such that it can act like a machine or like a language to be shaped and exploited (2)."
Jeremy Blake's "Sodium Fox":
(1)Manovich, Lev. “Understanding Hybrid Media.” in: Lev Manovich Official Website. 2007.
(2)WISDOM AND WONDER. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2015. <>.
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